From the #1 New York Times bestselling author of the Princess Diaries series, comes the very first adult installment, which follows Princess Mia and her Prince Charming as they plan their fairy tale wedding--but a few poisoned apples could turn this happily-ever-after into a royal nightmare. For Princess Mia, the past five years since college graduation have been a whirlwind of activity, what with living in New York City, running her new teen community center, being madly in love, and attending royal engagements. And speaking of engagements. Mia's gorgeous longtime boyfriend Michael managed to clear both their schedules just long enough for an exotic (and very private) Caribbean island interlude where he popped the question! Of course Mia didn't need to consult her diary to know that her answer was a royal oui. But now Mia has a scandal of majestic proportions to contend with: Her grandmother's leaked "fake" wedding plans to the press that could cause even normally calm Michael to become a runaway groom. Worse, a scheming politico is trying to force Mia's father from the throne, all because of a royal secret that could leave Genovia without a monarch. Can Mia prove to everyone--especially herself--that she's not only ready to wed, but ready to rule as well?
I loved the experience of reading this. There were literally some points during my reading that I was grinning so hard, I was getting a face cramp. And I couldn't help but literally laugh out loud a few times. I was really happy to be back in this world especially since I've grown up since the last book and so have they.
I was thrown off by the baby story line. Usually I can see twists like this from a mile away before we are even given the first hint. But not this time. Not to mention that Mia is pregnant with twins!
And the vague mentions of Mia and Michael's adventurous sex life, anyone?
The introduction of Mia's biracial half-sister, Olivia Grace! Apparently, right around the time Mia found out she was a princess, her unlucky in love dad fell in love with this black woman whose occupation has something to do with planes. Apparently they are "hot and heavy for a while" until she ended things because she (like Mia's mom) didn't want to be a princess. Then she, sadly, died and Olivia grew up Harry Potter/A Cinderella Story style with her aunt and family stealing her child support money all for themselves. So when Mia finds out about her, she (of course) decides she has to help her some how... which results in the whole world discovering Prince Philippe's second love child.
I loved Olivia's interactions and different reactions to the same situation Mia found herself in all those years ago in the first book. Olivia was so interesting, she helped solve (a little conveniently, might I add)
(Who I picture Olivia Grace to look like.)
And Mia's parents got back together! Which was kind of random although you could tell because everybody and they mama was hinting at it. Turns out Prince Philippe wouldn't be acting half his age and whatnot if he could find a woman worth his time to settle down with him. However, who wants to marry a prince who still lives with his mom?
No one, that's who. Not Olivia Grace's mom and not Mia's either which is what Mia tells him. So he decides to separate from Grandmere, give up his Genovian political position and he and Mia's mom decide to get married and take Olivia Grace and Rocky and raise their blended family in a Genovian palace.
Michael and Mia's relationship seemed a little too perfect in the novel. Not only did they never argue once (even over something small and insignificant) but there was no mentions of previous fights either. That seemed too unrealistic as two grown adults especially who are about to get married and have kids.
I wish we had a lot more of in-person interactions with all the people of old. There were only a small amount of scenes with Lilly and Tina and the rest of their interactions (not excluding Lana and Trisha and others) were limited to text messages or through other people. Not to mention one of the interactions I was most looking forward to was Rocky and Mia. Sadly I was limited to only one and he barely spoke more than five times.
Boris apparently became a famous pop star with groupies and everything. So he and Tina broke up once this blogger releases pictures after she and Boris have slept together. Tina believes he cheated on her (but conveniently HAS NEVER SEEN THE PICTURES) although Boris has claimed that they were photo-shopped.
Mia, however, has seen the pictures and there's a part of Boris she recognizes that can't be photo-shopped so she doesn't believe him, although Michael does. Ironically, Micheal even brings up how people lie about her in the press all the time, but she still doesn't doubt the truth. This subplot seemed highly unrealistic/unconvincing to me. I felt like Boris and Tina were just broken up so they could happily get back together in the end. Which did happen.
Mia tells us in the beginning of this book that she has this internet stalker. He talks about how she is lame and a feminist and a ho and a slut and the downfall of her country with her feminist wiles. Turns out that he's her loser ex-boyfriend, J.P. who is probably all butt-hurt that she dumped him for Michael and Michael is gonna be a prince and (according to the tabloids) is the world's greatest lover) and Mia hasn't looked back ever since.
Anyway, conveniently, Michael and J.P. get into a fight and somehow Michael gets to look at his phone and realizes that J.P. is Mia's evil internet stalker. We don't learn this til (essentially) the epilogue of the book. We also learn that somehow J.P. has been exiled to some foreign country and that's the anti-climatic end of that.
MIA IS FOR GMO's?!?!! I felt so betrayed! Mia, how could you? I don't care how much drought resistant orange crops your GMO seeds can create, GMO's are always bad no matter what in the long term! I was soooo shocked that Mia would be for something that is so humans fucking around with Nature.

The ending felt rushed. Like super rushed. One chapter, Mia and Michael are telling Mia's parents that they are pregnant (side note: I did read one review where the reviewer felt like Mr. G was only killed off to force Mia's parents to get back together. I can kind of see that.) and in the next we get a Jane-Eyre-esque (literally) ending where Mia is all, "Reader, I married him."
So even though the book is CALLED Royal Wedding we don't get to see any of the wedding scenes.
- The dress Mia settles on (since she is now pregnant),
- if she publicly releases her pregnancy or not at this time,
- bonding with her sister,
- her bachelorette party, if and what her something old/new/borrowed/blue are or any of that stuff.
Anyway, I enjoy the experience of reading this book although I did have some issues with some parts. Don't let my review fool you, I loved a majority of it until the rushed ending. Anyway, don't take my world for it; go enjoy it for yourself!