Monday, August 5, 2013

Seven Minutes In Heaven [The Lying Game #6]

Seven Minutes in Heaven (The Lying Game, #6)

So Ethan killed Sutton.

Because he was obsessively in love with her.


And he killed Nisha.


Because she read what REALLY happened in his file.

(He killed a girl when he was 10 for having another "best friend:)

Apparently, he had some psychological disorder (I really don't remember or care too) and when Emma found the file while she and Ethan were snooping in Nisha's deserted house, she (stupid girl!) ran to where he killed Sutton...and he tried to kill her too. But she got away...and the bad boy went to jail.

This book really had no purpose. I feel disappointed times A MILLION! The only interesting thing was when Sutton's body got found and she got busted by the cops for being Emma, her grandparents threw her out of the house (siting crazy-Becky's contagious as an excuse), she got kicked out of school (the reason being that Emma Paxton never enrolled/got into whatever school she'd been going too) and her friends ditched her...I felt like I was reading 90210 by the way everyone drove the innocent girl into the bad boys arms (I'm talking about Annie and that Jasper guy). But of course they all apologized and accepted her before giving Sutton a big salute at her funeral. Then after Emma spent her first Christmas with a family, Sutton passed on to the next life.

:( Poor Thayer. And that was the end.

Well, thanks Sara Shepard for devoting all your time to a zombified series (a series that was dead and came back to life when it should've stayed gone. Y'all know what I'm talking about.) It feels like she didn't even try with this series. Readers had guessed around book 2 or 3 (for some, even book 1) that Ethan was the killer. But they were counting on her signature to twist it out into being someone else.

But she didn't. Because she was too worried about PLL.

I guess I'm done with the Lying Game entirely now. First ABC Family cancels the show (which I loved) and now the disappointment that became the book series ended.


  1. Haha thanks for reading it for me. I read up to the fourth book and was like, "this woman's just going around in circles and taking me back down to square one at the end of each book. I'm done" Honestly I'm getting really bored of Shepard, like for the pll series, I finished it all the way to book 8 which felt like a solid ending, but no she had to continue it and I read like the first chapter of book 9 and felt that it was too forced. So that's the end of Shepard for me

  2. I thought it was amazing! SO thrilling! :)

  3. Replies
    1. I honestly thought this was the best series i ever read!
      I was so supprised the killer was Ethan!

  4. oh wow.... I was absolutely devastated when the show was cancelled. it was one of my favourites and now with this really stupid ending to the book series... a real let down.. Thank you Spoiler Queen for letting us know.... saves me the trouble wasting my time and money reading that very disappointing book.

  5. Sadly enough I was going to read this series, as I recently finished the show on Netflix... And found out it was cancelled. What a let-down... Thank you for saving me the dis-appointment on reading the novels. Sigh :(

  6. Moi j'ai trouvais la fin génial ;)

  7. I read all books till book six and i was so lazy when i saw 40 chapters i was like WTF!! I could just google what happened and skip to the ending part, i also guessed it was ethan its only natural for the real killer to be her one and only ally
    ps: it was really stupid of her not to check his file in the hospital (dumb girls annoy the heck outta me).

  8. I HATED the ending! I actually liked the series and read to the very end. Shepard never got boring but I guess that was just me.

    1. No that was me to the series was amazing! I LOVED it!

    2. I was really sad that the killer was Ethan and I almost cried

    3. I really liked Ethan too. Now when I look at his name it's spooky coincidence that Gabby Petito was killed by her BF last name laundry... in the middle of nowhere

  9. Ethanc landry that was so expected.. I wish something nice happened with thayer and thanks for the spoilers i really wanted to find out what happened in the end without reading the book !! :)

  10. I finished reading book 1 and once I saw there were like seven more books to go, I found your blog and saved myself a lot of time. Thanks for the breakdown.

  11. Why do all you people think that spoiling books is a good thing? This was a great series and I'm not sorry that all of you lazy people didn't read it. Do you have any idea how hard it is to write a book? Sarah Sheppard did a great job.

  12. The book series was awful. First of all, Sara's way of explaining things irritates me. In PLL she didn't do this too much but in this series she did. The excessive use of brand names, as in like six per page I've counted, is annoying. And the way she describes irrelevant things in the setting or what the characters do. I bought four of the books back in 2012 when I was completely obsessed with the show. Now, a few years later, I regret doing that. I reread them and I hate them! Won't even bother with the last books because of how annoyingly Sara writes. I appreciate the spoiler!

    1. First of all, I understand that we each have our own views, but who are you to question the integrity of an authors writing if you can not even figure out how to punctuate. She uses descriptions to help us view the setting and the characters the way that she sees them. It's called setting the scene. At least she knows that sentences don't begin with the word AND. Television ruins narritives. Stop reading if all you want to do is compare it to a billion dollar production. Learn how to use your imagination and actually appreciate artistic skill in authors as well.

  13. SOOOOO what happened to Thayer(too lazy to read the book)

  14. I got the book hide and seek really cheap at a bookstore. I'm not even half way thru in it and I already suspected Ethan. Having read nothing else in the series it was really obvious.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. I kinda liked it, but it's kinda got boring in the last book.

  17. I also loved the books. I was heartbroken when I found out Ethan was the killer.

  18. I rlly didn't want it to be Ethan. I rlly liked Ethan . I wanted it to be Garret. And my question is, does Emma stay with Ethan? Or does she hook up with Thayer?

  19. does Emma end up with Ethan or Thayer?

  20. Look Spoiler Queen, if I were you I would keep my useless comments about the series to myself.

  21. Interesting. I didn't guess about Ethan. I just got sick of Emma's lies and couldn't continue reading much past the point where she gets kicked out by her grandparents but wanted to know how it ends.
