Saturday, December 28, 2013

The Spectacular Now (Tim Tharp)

SUTTER KEELY. HE’S the guy you want at your party. He’ll get everyone dancing. He’ ll get everyone in your parents’ pool. Okay, so he’s not exactly a shining academic star. He has no plans for college and will probably end up folding men’s shirts for a living. But there are plenty of ladies in town, and with the help of Dean Martin and Seagram’s V.O., life’s pretty fabuloso, actually. Until the morning he wakes up on a random front lawn, and he meets Aimee. Aimee’s clueless. Aimee is a social disaster. Aimee needs help, and it’s up to the Sutterman to show Aimee a splendiferous time and then let her go forth and prosper. But Aimee’s not like other girls, and before long he’s in way over his head. For the first time in his life, he has the power to make a difference in someone else’s life—or ruin it forever.

What I Thought:
When I first finished reading this book, I couldn't believe that was the end. I literally kept flipping back in forth on my e-reader, sure that I must've lost or missed a chapter or something. Because that couldn't be the end. Sutter leaves Aimee and gets drunk before asking a bunch of other old drunkards if he did the right thing and they agree with him. "He's a hero!" they proclaim. It's kind of sad, really. It's like we saw a glimpse of Sutter's future when he was in that bar. He's going to become one of those drunken losers.

But after a little more time processing, the ending began to make sense. After I finished reading it, I went online to read other people's reviews to see if they were as confused as I felt. But two embodied it the best:
"The book ended with the main character just as he was in the beginning."

After thinking about this, I admit I can't help but disagree. I see how someone may think this. Sutter obviously is an alcoholic. Everyone knows it but no one actually says it to his face, but I'm sure everyone is saying it behind his back.

However, in the beginning of the novel. Cassidy, Sutter's soon-to-be-ex-girlfriend asks him to "for once, put someone else's feelings before your own." By the end of the novel, Sutter actually does do this. He puts Aimee's feelings before his own but it takes a lot for him to get there. It takes Cassidy, the guy she starts dating, Marcus and Sutter's best friend, Ricky, trying to give him an "Aimee intervention" where they point out his negative influence in her life. And it's definitely obvious. This girl goes off on her only friend, starts doing shots at different points in the day just because she can and getting sloppy drunk at a party that causes the intervention in the first place.

But Aimee isn't hopeless. She has this dream of her and Sutter starting a new life together in Saint Louis with her sister. They'll get a apartment in her sister's complex there and she'll start attending WashU and he'll go to community college there and they'll be happy. Sutter's never had someone whose happiness that is effected so much by himself until Aimee. Which is why he can't let her down and goes along with her plan. The ending of the book is so sad; Sutter ends up telling her to go ahead without him and after he finishes summer school and get money for their apartment, but he has no true intention of following her, he just wants her to go so that once she's begun her new life it'll be easier for her to let him go.

"This book is just like Sutter. It only cares about now. It doesn't think about solutions, resolutions, or even conclusions. Just the now."

What I will say is the book is properly named. Sutter lives in the now and remains to do so even when the book ends. I both agree and disagree with this idea. On my disagreement side, the book has plenty of endings and beginnings. The ending of Sutter's relationship with Cassidy, the beginning and end of his relationship with Aimee, the ending of his idolization of his father, the self-recognition of Sutter about some of his character flaws. Sure, he never addresses his alcohol issues but he comes to terms that he refuses to believe that he can't be loved and that he's selfish. There is no true resolutions but I think that that's what makes it realistic. If anything Sutter giving up Aimee when he doesn't want to is unrealistic. He could've very easily kept her in a long and eventually unhappy relationship, but he chose to let her go.

Compared to the Movie:
I will admit that I saw the movie only a few days before I actually decided to read the book. And in some ways I did enjoy the movie more because it was more hopeful. Aimee was perfectly chosen in Shailene Woodley. She really embodied the innocence and vulnerability of the character and especially how highly influenced she is by Sutter. She is so hopeful, I was actually glad that the part when Aimee reveals that a guy had taken advantage of her before was taken out. But in a way it made her even more vulnerable to Sutter so maybe it should've been included.

Anyway, I loved the movie more because it gave Sutter and Aimee a Romeo-and-Juliet feel. You want to be hopeful that their relationship will survive but you know if nothing changes, they are doomed from the start.

There are some scenes that are word for word came from the book.

I definitely recommend the movie, but I'm not entirely sure how I feel about the book yet. The two scenes that happened in both, I loved far more in the movie.

The first was the first time Aimee and Sutter had sex was sooo sweet and funny all at once. But at the same time it wasn't romanticized. It had enough raw and genuine moments that kept it from turning into one of those unrealistic, too romantic and perfect Hollywood-first-time-having-sex scenes. Haha, I'll admit that I watched this scene over and over. It was soooo well done.

There was also the scene when Aimee gets hit by that car after Sutter throws her out of his car on the highway. The book definitely doesn't do this scene justice but it's hard to do a scene like this with the right amount of words and description while pulling you into it at the same time. Anyway, go see this movie. I loved it so much it actually became one of my favorites. Go see it! Go read it! Just do it!


  1. I really liked the movie, very true to life, I thought, as that is what I would see an alcoholic would be like. The ending of the movie was very confusing, but from the look of Aimee's I think she had found someone else.
    Great review of the movie and book, i myself havent read the book.

  2. I also like the book and the movie. The book a little more due to more details. I am a little confused in the book sutter is alone, while in the movie he goes and finds Aimee. I don't know. All in All it was great.

  3. Aaahhhh thank you thank you thank you! I just finished the movie (read the book first) and am glad someone has some thoughts on the comparison! I think, simply put the book does all the realistic hard things a book can do, like in life. And the movie got the Hollywood treatment. Don't get me wrong- I really loved it, but it's definitely easier. I just watched the deleted scenes where you can see they cut out the opening little boy scene, Aimee telling Sutter about her first time, the drunken prom scene mixed with Aimee's drunk screaming fit, the parking lot intervention (which they really should've kept along with the "first time" conversation). So overall, I think I'm looking at these two versions as different but not good or bad or better than another, but the movie definitely has a resolution that, as a reader who can handle ambiguity, I didn't need and actually didn't quite want (although I would've preferred Sutter telling Aimee why she needed to go and leave him behind, etc).

  4. A man dont change because someone love him so bad
    A man can change because He love her so bad

  5. I stil don't get the ending.. does he go back to her or what does he do??

    1. He goes back to her.

    2. In the movie, he goes after her.
      In the novel, he lets her go.

    3. He goes after her in the movie? Yayyyy! You just made my day :):):)

    4. i can give you the movie's ending of screenwriter:
      It may be too late for this essay...
      And then she sees him. Standing there. Waiting for her.
      And he’s cleaned up too. Steady on his feet. Haircut.
      ...It’s not too late for me.
      In his hand is Aimee’s ugly windbreaker.
      What are you doing here?
      You forgot your coat.
      And before we ever know what happens next:

  6. Are there any sequels to the book and to the movie itself?

    1. As far as I've seen, no to both questions. There is no sequel to the novel or movie.

  7. Is Aimee ugly in the book? Or still described beautiful? That's horror ending in book, I tried reading the book after watching the movie because I honestly thought that maybe there's more explanation to the ending, like they get married or something (LOL! Just My Imagination), but after reading your review, well, that just blows off everything, great review though thanks

    1. Um, I can't remember. I don't think Sutter ever says she's ugly but if he does call her beautiful it isn't until way later. Haha, sorry. I actually prefer the ending of the film to the novel because I can pretend she took him back and he change.

  8. I didn't like the ending, it was hopeless. All i can say is sutter lives life at the moment, that is what he did at the end. He beleives in "THE SPECTACULAR NOW"

  9. Nice review - great perspective between the book and movie! I have watched the movie ending so many times but still can't decide if she will take him back...

    1. I think it's all in personal interpretation and that's the point. It was purposely done this way.

  10. i think it means a lot to the ending; how straight he is driving, he clearly isn't drunk. They really try to tell us that with showing us how he earlier in the movie is driving in the other drive lane. He is trying to put he's life back together, so he want to bad for amiee. I thin he said to himself that he wouldn't go bacj to her untill he was sober

  11. hey guys just watched the was great...but the end is killing me...the expression of Amy....i mean is she taking him back?or was it a smile of someone she once loved but she has moved on....
    help me on this...what do you think...
    i mean first she smiles..then a sudden pause....
    help me...

    1. Haha, I definitely don't think she is done with him at the moment with that smile. I think that pause is to make the ending more ambiguous. It's not exactly a happy or a sadly realistic one. It's hopeful. I think that's what her smile is. Hope. I mean, he came after her after all. That's a pretty big deal!

  12. I really liked the end of the book more that the one from the movie.
    In the end of the movie, we can see how Sutter pretends to change or has changed his previous lifestyle. Here, from my perspective, Aimee is going to forgive Sutter and try to have a relationship with him again, since we know she's truly in love with him. That seemed like a very common Hollywood ending to me.
    But in the book, we can see the truth about Sutter's destiny. He knows he's never going to change his lifestyle and he's going to end like the other drunkards in the bar, so he decides that the only good thing he can do for Aimee is let her go to find that future she wanted so badly.
    After saying that, I want to aks to anyone who's reading this to please excuse my horrible english. I'm Argentinian so it is not my mother language.

    1. I totally agree. The book's ending is definitely more realistic about something like this. However, I felt like the movie's ending was a little more optimistic. She may take him back, but we haven't seen that he's really changed any of his habits so maybe they still won't last.

  13. Hello to everyone from barbaric Russia.
    Just finished watching the movie and I must say I have mixed feelings about it. Kinda liked the story but, on the other hand, it's really hard for me to have any empathy for Sutter. Not only he looks pathetic with that "don't want to grow up shit", it's not fatal. What's fatal is that he is actually quite selfish. You can see it through his lines: "she deserves better, I am a hero because I let her go" bla-bla etc. If he really cared about her he would've f*cking become man she deserves, end of story.
    From what I read here the book's ending only strengthens my opinion (but I honestly don't prefer pessimistic endings like that if it's not classic or hard sci-fi).

    Sorry for my bad english, good luck to everyone.

  14. why'd u steal this shit of yahoo?

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. It's a scam. If he had had been living in the spectacular now then he would have gone with her. The psychology of the character (Sutter) is just wrong. He is not living in the now, he's just uninterested in life. When you live in the now you live to the fullest, you risk it, you take chances, you have no fear because you're not thinking of the consequences. Instead he's afraid and overthinking things. What gets us hooked up with the story is our desire for things to work out and when he goes back to her is our hope of things working out. Only saw the film.

  17. It's a scam. If he had had been living in the spectacular now then he would have gone with her. The psychology of the character (Sutter) is just wrong. He is not living in the now, he's just uninterested in life. When you live in the now you live to the fullest, you risk it, you take chances, you have no fear because you're not thinking of the consequences. Instead he's afraid and overthinking things. What gets us hooked up with the story is our desire for things to work out and when he goes back to her is our hope of things working out. Only saw the film.

  18. Even I love the movie a lot.! Its just today as of 20 mins back I came to know that a book exists. I know about the movie from day one. But I never knew about the book.!

  19. Does aimee die after being hit by the bus

  20. Hei,i have seen the film three time in a row but the ending blocks my brain.Can someone please explain my the ending of this movie?I simply don't get it or is nothing to be understand?

    1. Hey, I think she realized her self worth. She smiled at him at first then took it back and knew she was better than him. She changed expressions quick. I think everyone wants them back together but the actor Shailene Woodley says "SHAILENE WOODLEY: Here’s what I know I want to happen: I want them not to get back together. One of the most crucial things that’s happened in my life is being in a really unhealthy relationship, and then having the time and the freedom to get to know myself afterwards. And so I hope that they don’t get back together, so that they can both go on their own individual paths to get to know themselves, their own hearts, their own ambitions."

  21. its been almost six years since this post was made. i dont even know if the writer is still keeping this up.I guessing that shes not since the latest comments that i see are from almost four years ago.i wonder if anyone remembers this site or their comment.i dont think i will.i dont even think i will remember this book if im being honest with you.but in case someone from the future finds this just like i did,today is June 27 of 2020 and i remember and i hope u rember me too. also send me and email(im not posting my # for a rando to find) im guessing that since we have the same taste in books we'll get along so

    1. I'll just tell you the date as you seem to be very interested if someone from future comes up lol.. It's 30 Jan 2021.. and I just finished watching this movie. And I liked it a lot!

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. It's 17th October, 2020 today and I watched the film yesterday. I didn't quite get what happened at the end of the film? What happens to Sutter and Aimee? What is the meaning of Aimee's smile? Do Sutter and Aimee reunite? It is very confusing. Can someone please help me out of the confusion?

    1. Hey, I think she realized her self worth. She smiled at him at first then took it back and knew she was better than him. She changed expressions quick. I think everyone wants them back together but the actor Shailene Woodley says "SHAILENE WOODLEY: Here’s what I know I want to happen: I want them not to get back together. One of the most crucial things that’s happened in my life is being in a really unhealthy relationship, and then having the time and the freedom to get to know myself afterwards. And so I hope that they don’t get back together, so that they can both go on their own individual paths to get to know themselves, their own hearts, their own ambitions."

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Wow I had just watched the movie , it was really good. I also read the comments above me so I think Ill read the book too. i wanted to ask if anyone reading this can recommend some more movies or novels like these i would be really :)

  25. After is a good movie you should check it out. After we collided is part 2

  26. Hi, I watched this movie 2nd time just now. The first time I watched i was going through the worst patch of my life. Lost my girlfriend, lost my job, got kicked out of home. I saw first time in 2014. Even in my worst possible mental condition I was assumed that Aimee and Sutter got back together in the end. Today thankfully i have a job and an apartment I can pay for myself. What is really important is the power of positivity. I assumed positive things and somehow it got stuck in my head and made me feel better. So folks think positive and sometimes ignore the practicality as it may not get you anywhere but being positive will definitely get you somewhere nicer. I hope sutter and aimee have kids by now.
